Destination check and discreet on-site assistance
Whether you’re planning a private trip or a business trip, we will screen your destination in advance and evaluate the existing security standards. We make arrangements with the hotel or property rental company. We also check the radius of your stay (restaurants, residential area, hotel, etc.). Once you have arrived, we provide personal security wherever you go – ultra-discreet and in the background. Contact us and let us help you travel safely.
How do we protect you?
- Destination risk analysis: recommendations from our analysts after evaluating international data sources
- Advance security check with reconnaissance of the surroundings
- Discreet personal security, high or low-profile level
- Advice on local security apps
How do we protect you?
- Destination risk analysis: recommendations from our analysts after evaluating international data sources
- Advance security check with reconnaissance of the surroundings
- Discreet personal security, high or low-profile level
- Advice on local security apps